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Your Dashboard is your gateway to your courses in Moodle. You can customize it to show all of your courses or just some of them. You can also arrange the order of your list of courses.

To get started, click on 'Customize this page' at the top right of the Dashboard page.

customise this page

From there you can adjust how many courses are shown and reorder the courses by grabbing onto the double-arrow and dragging it into the preferred order.

show all courses

You can navigate to your Dashboard by clicking on Dashboard in the Navigation Drawer in the left column (the navigation drawer is explained below).


Course Navigation

Navigation Drawer

The navigation drawer is the navigation menu that slides open and closed when you click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner:

hamburger menuImage Modified

The navigation drawer allows you to see other course participants, your grades, and allows you to jump to a section in your course, which may be in either the unit or week format.

navigation drawer

Once you've navigated to the desired section you can click on an activity or resource for that section using the centre column.

resourcesImage Modified

The Navigation Drawer also includes, among other things, a link to all of your currently active courses under My courses.

my courses


The breadcrumbs trail appears at the top of your course page. The breadcrumbs allow you to identify where you are in a course at any time and allow you to navigate back up the hierarchy of the course.

  • For example: Dashboard » My courses » Sample Course » Week 2 » Unit 2 Readings

In this example, you can return to the main course page by clicking on Sample Course.

bread crumbsImage Modified

Three Column Layout

You'll find that most of your courses have three columns. The centre column displays all course content divided into units or weeks. You can navigate to your course content using this middle column. The left column contains the navigation drawer that you can slide in and out by using the hamburger menu. The right column displays blocks that provide access to various course features.

3 panel view

Right-column Blocks

Blocks in the right column will vary between courses, but the following blocks are commonly used in courses.

Latest news will list recent posts in the course news forum.

latest news

Upcoming events lists certain upcoming events such as assignment due dates.

upcoming events

Activities allows you to list all activities of a specific type. For example, you can click on forums to see all forums within the course.

Course Community will allow you to list all course participants, and if you are in a team will list your team members.

course community

Quickmail allows you to quickly email other course participants such as members of your team.


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