This process is used to import student data into Identicam for student cards.
Last updated: 2024-04-30 (dk)
Pre-requisites & Rules:
Every import will automatically remove all previously imported student records; therefore, any student eligible for an identity card must be listed in the spreadsheet.
Importing of the spreadsheet occurs daily at 10 AM and 10 PM.
Once the spreadsheet has been successfully imported, it will be moved into the Imported files folder.
Staff must be a member of the security group to upload the spreadsheet
The import file must be in Excel format (.xlsx) and have the following columns: Student ID; First Name; Family Name; Program code; Year (yyyy); Expiration date (yyyy-mm-dd)
The Identicam import folder is \\\prod\Agresso\Import\GLLC-IDCARDS
Process Steps:
Create a spreadsheet containing a list of students eligible for a student card. The template is available at the PCS Operations hub.
Copy the spreadsheet to the Identicam import folder \\\prod\Agresso\Import\GLLC-IDCARDS
After 10am or 10pm, the Welcome desk will be able to print ID cards for the imported students.
end of process