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This week focuses on how to secure yourself at work

Learn about:

  • CEO Fraud
  • How to recognise a Phishing email
  • Targeted attacks

Cyber security IS an issue at Royal Roads.  Consider the following:

  • Every day we reject approximately 28,000 SPAM emails;
  • Every day we have approximately 22,000 failed login attempts on Sentinel;
  • Every day we have approximately 18,000 failed login attempts on Webmail; and
  • This year we experienced several incidents where the bad guys accessed a staff member’s email account and sent SPAM email as that staff member

AND, we get "Spear Phishing" emails:


This week we will provide you with some great information on how you can be more secure at work.  Check back through the week as we will be posting resources all week long.

Want to know more about cybersecurity in the workplace?  The Security Awareness team has a series of short seminars that they will present to your team in your office.  Email for more information. 

Phishing Challenge

This is fun!

We’ve talked about phishing emails numerous times – we have to, they’re a big threat – but so far we haven’t given you the chance to test your “phishing” skills.  Can you separate the fake ones from the real ones?  Here’s your chance to find out.  We’ve got two links for you:


Phishing for Your Apple ID

These cyber criminals are clever people.  It turns out that they've developed a way to "phish" for your Apple ID. Here's a link to an article that explains the issue and tells you how to protect yourself:  Apple ID Phishing

Further Reading

Cybercrime Inc: How hacking gangs are modeling themselves on big business:

Email Do's & Don't s.

Email has become one of the primary ways we communicate in our personal and professional lives. However, we can often be our own worst enemy when using it. In this newsletter, we will explain the most common mistakes people make and how you can avoid them in your day-to-day lives.



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