Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Submitting your document to Turnitin provides machine-generated feedback on grammar and spelling, and a similarity report showing which sections of your document match other sources such as journals, books, and websites. This feedback provides you with an opportunity to improve your document. The Turnitin similarity report helps you avoid plagiarism, which is the act of presenting the ideas or works of another as your own. For more information on plagiarism refer to Academic integrity for students.

As a student using Turnitin at RRU, you will automatically have access to Turnitin through select assignments in Moodle if Turnitin is enabled in your course.

Before submitting an assignment to a Moodle Assignment activity that has Turnitin enabled, you will be able to submit a draft to Turnitin and act on the feedback.


  • Navigate to the Moodle assignment activity in your course that is intended for submission of your draft for Turnitin feedback, as described in the assignment description. This may be called “Draft Submissions For Turnitin Feedback”.

  • Submit your assignment to the Moodle assignment activity as you normally would: select the Add Submission button, add the file, and select the Save Changes button.

  • Once your assignment has been submitted it will show Turnitin: Status Queued.
