Moodle courses on PCS Moodle are only available for 30 days after the course has complete.
You can continue to access your PCS Portal (ie. Destiny One). This system knows what courses you've completed and can provide you a course list (similar to a transcript on the credit side).
You can also view/update your profile, view applications and certificates in progress, view financial transactions... coming soon: print a list of completed courses
Please contact Computer Services if you feel you should still have access to a course.
Having trouble logging in?
Due to the implementation of the new PCS registration system, access to Moodle has changed as well.
Go to and create a new account
As a former PCS student or alumni, please select that option
Activate your account
Log back into with your username and password and select My Enrollment History on the left hand side
You will find information on this page to submit a request to restore you missing information.
Once you received a confirmation that the request to restore your information is complete, you can not log into PCS Moodle ( with your new usename (no and your PCS Password.
All your courses should now be listed.