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Chef has two purposes:

  1. it collects information from resource administrators (or their delegates) about a new person joining RRU and then facilitates the creation of a computer account and email address for them

  2. it is a user-friendly interface to RRU’s resource management system, which is called Unit 4. Individuals can update their own personal address information. Hiring managers/resource administrators can also use CHEF to update existing records for people in their team.


Log into Chef:
using the long form of your RRU Login (like + your usual password





This person is responsible for keeping their own record up to date (everyone is a ‘user’). This is a Chef role.

Resource administrator

This person is responsible for maintaining records for their team. They will add records for new resources (employees and contractor) and edit existing records. Settings in the resource management system will determine who is in their team, but the role is assigned in Chef. The resource management system must be aware of the positions that this resource administrator can hire into or else, they cannot.


This person can act as their resource administrator. Therefore, they can access records for everyone in their team (except the hiring manager’s record). The relationship between this person and their resource administrator is defined in the resource management system but this role is assigned in Chef. A resource administrator can assign the role of delegate to someone in their team.

Delegate for contractors

This person can act as their resource administrator. Therefore, they can access records for contractors in their team. The relationship between this person and their resource administrator is defined in the resource management system but this role is assigned in Chef. A resource administrator can assign the role of 'delegate for contractors' to someone in their team.


This person is responsible for reviewing and approving submissions made by resource administrators (in this case, hiring managers) or their delegates.

IT Support

This person can look up individuals in Chef to see limited information related to their computer account and department/department contact.


assigned in Chef, this person is a system administrator in IT who can manage permissions in the system. The superuser cannot add records for employees because they


Find out more about delegates and delegates for contractors in this dedicated page.

Workflow in Chef

Although the processes used to hire employees differ from those used to hire contractors, both involve receiving financial approvals, job postings, interviews, and offers. This is what happens when someone accepts an offer from RRU.


Both employee and contractor types

  1. Chef sends information to the computer account creation process and on the next run, a computer account is created for the new person. This includes an RRU email address.

    1. The hiring manager/resource administrator receives a notice when the computer account is ready for an employee so that they can:

      • communicate this to the new person at the right time, providing them with their username, email address, and temporary password

      • visit the provisioning page in Our People to ask for things the new person needs, like access to shared mailboxes, O: drive folders, elevated permissions in corporate software, etc.

    2. Contractors of all kinds receive the ‘computer account is ready’ notification directly. Resource administrators will (for now at least) need to check back in Outlook to see if the computer account/email address has been created yet. Then, they can visit the provisioning page in Our People to ask for things the new person needs, like Moodle access, CTET related development etc.

The computer account creation process runs 3 times each weekday. A computer account can be created soon after a record is entered into chef, or 16 hours later, depending on timing.


  • When a hiring manager or delegate submits a new resource record , HR for an employee, P&C receives an email notification that something is waiting for their review.

  • When HR P&C approves, the hiring manager receives an email notification that the next step will be taken, which is a computer account will be created.

  • When HR IF P&C declines a submission, the hiring manager receives an email notification.


Menu Options

Create Resource

add a new resource record for an employee, contractor, or other


find a colleague to see their location on campus and phone number; connect with them on Teams

My Profile

edit your record to change your home address, see your position number and description/title

My Team

view your team’s records in one place


assign roles to people in Chef

Position Approvals

approve submissions from hiring managers for new employees

Resource Lookup

find information about a person using their name or resource ID.


Menu Options


Hiring Manager / Resource administrator


Delegate for contractors


IT Support


Create Resource



for contractors only









My Profile







My Team



for contractors only




Position Approvals



Resource Lookup

