Campus Wide Login (CWL) Account and RISe account

Campus Wide Login (CWL) Account and RISe account

(The following information is provided directly to a student from the RRU Research Ethics Board (REB) coordinator (Currently Gina Armellino). A portion of the info is provided below to assist IT Helpdesk is understanding the process. This is not the complete information)

In order to streamline the research ethics process for researchers and students wishing to conduct studies in the BC health authorities, a harmonized ethics application process was developed over several years. This process now applies to research studies that span multiple jurisdictions across the health authorities and almost all post secondary institutions in BC. Please see the full list of partners on the REBC website. It allows for one ethics application across partner organizations using the Provincial Research Ethics Platform (PREP). PREP is hosted by the University of British Columbia Research Information Systems (RISe). Because of this you will often hear PREP and RISe used synonymously. This quick reference guide provides an overview of the process and describes the process for each organization involved in the harmonized process.

Please note: Not all students conducting a multijurisdictional capstone in BC are required to complete the harmonized ethics process. It is up to the student to work with the health authorities, associated research institutes or post secondary institutions they plan to work with to determine if their proposed capstone is considered research or quality improvement. If the organization deems the capstone quality improvement and does not require health authority or associated research institute ethics approval, the student is only required to complete the Royal Roads University (RRU) ethics application. When the student submits their ethics application to RRU they are required submit documentation from the health authority or associated research institute as an appendix in their application. For more information to assist you in determining if your project is considered quality improvement or research, please see the quality improvement handout.

Non-UBC students, faculty or staff must have a Campus Wide Login (CWL) in order to access RISe as well as a RISe account.

To get a CWL go here and create a “basic account”:


Once you have a CWL, e-mail RISe at risesupport @ ors.ubc.ca and provide the following information:

  • Title (e.g., Dr., Mr., Ms, etc.)

  • Full First name/Middle initial/Last name

  • Work E-mail address

  • Work Telephone number

  • Rank

  • Dept./UBC Affiliation

  • Main work location (if at hospital)

  • UBC Employee number (if available)

  • UBC Student number (if available)

  • UBC CWL username

All questions should be directed to the RRU REB or risesupport @ ors.ubc.ca.

How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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