Can I bring my own Wireless router?

Can I bring my own Wireless router?

A wireless router is not required because we offer wireless access in almost all areas of the campus.  

Wireless routers are not permitted on campus for a variety of reasons:

  • First, and most importantly, the radio signals that they create can interfere with the provided Campus wireless network. 
  • Second, when other residents try to connect to the Campus wireless network, they can mistakenly connect to individually setup wireless routers.  In the past this has caused confusion and either intermittent or no access to the internet when it is turned off for the night, removed when your residency is over, or not configured correctly and doesn't provide consistent internet access. 
  • Thirdly, if another user is connected to a wireless router you setup, and they do ‘bad things’ on the network, all the traffic would be traced back to YOUR room.
  • Fourth, only a limited number of wireless "channels" are available.  Due to the number of students on campus in some areas, all channels are in use for load balancing.  Setting up your own router will certainly conflict with these channels.
  • Finally, if configured incorrectly, it can interfere with the resident's WIRED connections that can prevent ALL students in residence from connecting to the RRU network. 

If you bring a router, and it causes any issue, we will disable your network jack in your room and you will lose internet connection until the issue is resolved.

What about a creating a Wireless Hotspot using my phone?

Unfortunately, these personal shared connections are using the same channels as our RRU WiFi.  So we would like it if our students would refrain from creating wireless access points with their phone so that it does not conflict with the Wireless access points for RRU.

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