Creating a Secure Folder for Faculty Promotion Applications

Creating a Secure Folder for Faculty Promotion Applications

This procedure will create a “new dossier” secure folder for faculty promotion applications for when they submit their documentations.

Step-by-step guide

The script is located at: O:\Staff\academic and information services\it-services\private\Scripts\PowerShell and is called "CreateSecureFolder.ps1.  Comments in the script explain what has to be done to make it work (essentially using the example code at the bottom to run the script silently). 

Making this work for her will require:

  1. Install the latest version of PowerShell on her computer.  
  2. Run PowerShell from an admin prompt and enter the following: Set-ExecutionPolicy - RemoteSigned
  3. Select Y when prompted.
  4. Create a folder at the root of C on the computer called NewDossier
  5. Copy the PowerShell script to that folder
  6. Using the sample code at the bottom of the PowerShell script create a .VBS script fileand short-cut to run the PowerShell script.  See attached screen shots as well
  7. Copy the short-cut to her desktop 
  8. Test the script.

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As always, should you need further assistance, please contact Computer Services by phone, email or Online Request Form.

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