Moodle - Text editor keyboard shortcuts

Moodle - Text editor keyboard shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts will work in the Atto Moodle text editor in most browsers:

Note that for many of these commands to work you need to either click in the text editor or select content in the text editor.

Windows CommandMac CommandFunction
Ctrl + c⌘ + cCopy
Ctrl + v⌘ + vPaste
Ctrl + Shift + v⌘ + Shift + vPaste without formatting (very useful)
Ctrl + x⌘ + xCut
Ctrl + z⌘ + zUndo (careful - can undo a lot of text and doesn't always work)
Ctrl + y⌘ + yRedo
Ctrl + a⌘ + aSelect all
Double-clickDouble-clickSelect word
Triple-clickTriple-clickSelect line
Ctrl + f⌘ + fFind on page
F3F3Find next
Shift + F3Shift + F3Find previous
Ctrl + b⌘ + bBold
Ctrl + i⌘ + iItalics
Ctrl + u⌘ + uUnderline
Ctrl + k⌘ + kInsert/edit link
Ctrl + Right arrow⌘ + Right arrowMove to the end of the next word
Ctrl + Left arrow⌘ + Left arrowMove to the end of the previous word
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow⌘ + Shift + Right arrowSelect the next word or letter
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow⌘ + Shift + Left arrowSelect the previous word or letter
Ctrl + Shift + Home + Shift + HomeSelect from the cursor to the beginning of the page
Ctrl + Shift + End + Shift + EndSelect from the cursor to the end of the page
Ctrl + Home⌘ + HomeMove to the beginning of the page
Ctrl + End⌘ + EndMove to the end of the page
Ctrl + Backspace⌘ + BackspaceDelete word or letter to the left
Ctrl + Delete⌘ + DeleteDelete word or letter to the right
Ctrl and +⌘ and +Zoom in (not specific to the editor, but very useful)
Ctrl and -⌘ and -Zoom out (not specific to the editor, but very useful)
Ctrl and 0⌘ and 0Reset zoom (not specific to the editor, but very useful)

Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

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