Grade Approver - For Approvers

Grade Approver - For Approvers

Once a course is over and the instructor has finished grading, the instructor submits the grades to the grade approver. The grade approver (often a school director) reviews the grades. Shortly after the grades are approved by the approver, students will be able to see them in MyAdmin.

Approving Grades

  • Final, approved grades must be submitted to Agresso within 15 days of the end of the course.
  • As the approver you will receive an email notification once the instructor has finalized grades for a course.
  • You don't need to wait for the email to arrive - you may view the Grade Approval dashboard any time to see all courses you are responsible for approving.
  1. Log in to Moodle
  2. In the top navigation bar, select Grade Approval:

  3. The grade approval overview has the following sections:
    • Graded - the course has been graded and submitted for your approval
    • Pending - the course has reached its end date but hasn't yet been graded. (Poke the instructor to finish grading ;)
    • Denied - you've denied the grades and the instructor must re-submit them for approval
    • Approved - these courses have final, approved grades that were submitted to Agresso

  4. From the Graded section, select the course you want to grade by selecting the service offering (e.g. LEAD516__Y2223P-01) and the not the Visit course link. The Visit course link will take you to the course if you wish to review something in the course).


  5. Review the grades. You may either select the Approve All button, the Deny All button, or you may individually select the radio buttons to indicate approve or deny for individual students.


Approving or Denying

Note that approvers cannot change grades, only approve or deny them.

If all grades are to be approved, continue on to the Approving Grades section.

If any grades are to be denied, continue on the the Denying Grades section. If any grades are to be denied, no grades may be submitted to Agresso at this time.

Approving Grades

If you approve of all grades, select the Approve all button. Once you do this the Send to Agresso button will appear. Select the Send to Agresso button to finalize your approval, sending the grades to Agresso.

Denying Grades

If you need to deny the grades,

  1. Select the Deny button next to the student or students whose grades you want to deny.  Alternatively, select the Deny All button to deny the grades for all students.
  2. Add a note to the Comments regarding Denial text box explaining to the instructor why the grades in question have been denied. (this text box doesn't appear until you select deny for at least one student)
  3. Select the Send Denial button.
  4. The instructor will receive an email with the denial and your note.
  5. Once the instructor has made the necessary grade changes, the instructor will re-submit the grades, triggering another email to let you know the grades are again ready for approval.

Final Approval

  • Once you have approved all grades for a course and click the Send to Agresso button, there is no going back.
  • Once grades have been approved through the grade approver tool, they will automatically be exported to the student information system at about 8-8:30 am on the current or following week day. This will then make the grades available via Myadmin to students (correct as of 2022-08).

Note: If you need to change a grade after it’s been submitted to Agresso, please contact the registrar’s office to initiate a manual grade change.

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