SAP Concur - 2MFA setup guide for end users

SAP Concur - 2MFA setup guide for end users

(documentation provided by Concur)

Please note: If you need a Concur license please contact Accounts Payable.

By setting up 2FA, you add an extra layer of security to your SAP Concur account sign in. Once 2FA has been set up, you will first enter your SAP Concur password. When prompted, you will provide a verification code that is dynamically generated by an authenticator app or sent to your phone.

This Setup Guide is divided into 4 sections:

Section 1: Enrollment

  1. If you are using Concur username and password to login into http://concursolutions.com for your account via Web or Concur Mobile- you are required to enroll in 2FA.

  2. Enter your username and password as usual.


  3. After you enter your password, you will see a new screen with a QR code presented.


  4. Download an authenticator app of your choice to your mobile phone. You can use a corporate phone or use your personal device. You are free to use any authenticator app, such as Twilio Authy Authenticator, Duo Mobile, Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator.

  5. Go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search/download the authenticator app you wish to use.

  6. If you do not have a phone or do not want to download an authenticator app to your mobile phone, you can use an authenticator app on your browser such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
    To better understand how your browser will scan the QR code, please reference this YouTube video to see how the web browser authenticator works.

  7. Click on ‘Add account’ or ‘+’ sign or whichever button is available in the authenticator app for you to add a new account.

  8. Once the QR code scanner starts on the app, scan the QR code shown on the Concur sign in page. This will add your SAP Concur account to the authenticator app.

  9. Once this is done, right below the account, a 6-digit code will be generated.

  10. Before the six-digit code expires, please copy that code into the ' Authentication Code' field on the SAP Concur sign in page and hit Sign In.

  11. You are now successfully signed in.

Section 2: Having trouble with scanning QR code?

  1. If you are unable to scan the QR code, you can manually add your account. Click the ' Set up manually with a key' option.

  2. Once you click, a secret key should be visible on your screen.

  3. Next, go into your authenticator app on your phone or browser. Based upon what authenticator app you are using, there should be the option' Enter a setup key' for Google Authenticator or ‘Add account’ for MSFT Authenticator - Click ' Add account' → Other account→ ' Enter code manually'.

  4. There will be two fields visible on the Authenticator app: Account and Secret Key. In the Account field enter your SAP Concur account username shown on your SAP Concur screen (i.e., hubadmin@concur.com).

  5. In the Secret Key field, enter the secret key shown on the SAP Concur page.
    For example: 123 456 789.

  6. Once the account is added, beneath the SAP Concur account in your authenticator app, a six-digit code will be generated.

  7. Before the code expires, enter the code into the ' Authenticator Code' field on your Concur screen.

Section 3: Reset 2FA

Do you have a new device or did you lose your device and need to reset 2FA? Do you want to switch your Authenticator app and use a different one?

Prerequisite: You have previously enrolled in 2FA.

  1. Enter your username and password.

  2. You will now be prompted for a six-digit authentication code.

  3. If you need to reset your 2FA for a new device OR you lost your phone and need to enroll in 2FA again for your replacement device OR you wish to switch to a different Authenticator App, click ' Unable to enter authentication code'.

  4. You will receive an email with a link to reset 2FA. Please note: This email will be sent to the email1 or email2 set up in your SAP Concur Profile.


  5. To check whether your email is updated in your Profile. You need to sign in to your SAP
    Concur account and go to: Profile>Profile Settings>Personal Information>Email addresses.

  6. If you did not update email1 in your Profile and are locked out, please contact the Admin of your company and ask them to update the email for you. Once updated, click'Unable to enter authentication code' to trigger the email one more time.

  7. If you receive an email, it will contain a link to reset 2FA. Click the link to receive the QR code. Follow the same steps provided in the 2FA Enrollment section to set up 2FA.


Phase 2 Enrollment starting November 15


  1. If you have not enrolled in 2FA for your accounts using an SAP Concur username and password, enter your Concur username and password as usual.

  2. You will see an on-screen message stating that you will receive an email to enroll in 2FA.


  3. You will receive an email in the email address you have configured in your SAP Concur Profile
    settings: Email1.


  4. If you don't know where your email address is configured, check by signing in to your SAP
    Concur account and navigating to: Profile>Profile Settings. Under “Your Information”, click
    Email Addresses.


  5. From Step three, click the ' Set up Two-factor authentication' link in your email.

  6. You will be redirected to scan your QR code.


  7. Follow the same instructions for enrollment found in Section 1: Enrollment, starting at Step


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