Student email forwarding issue following migration

Student email forwarding issue following migration

Email accounts for students with last names that start with ‘A' through to 'Dek’ were successfully migrated to our new email service (yay!) on August 26 following this migration schedule.

If you are in this group, your ‘forwarding’ setting did not migrate with you (oh no!). This means if you previously had your email forwarded to your home email address, that isn’t happening right now. Instead, your email is staying in your RRU mailbox. We anticipate resolving this issue by the end of day, August 28th.

In the meantime, you can log in to the email server to see your email by:

  1. Enroll in MFA if you have not done so already
    (Multi-Factor Authentication - Follow steps 1 → 3 carefully and in order)

  2. Sign in to https://outlook.office.com using your RRU account username with the “@royalroads.ca” attached - eg b12smith@royalroads.ca .
    *** Do not use your email address.
    *** The old webmail.royalroads.ca will no longer work for your account.

If you have problems with either setting up MFA or logging into outlook.office.com, please contact IT Customer Service

Further communications will be coming to the affected individuals.


Thank you,

How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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