
We’ve created more information in the last two years than in the entirety of recorded history.
That’s a lot of photos, memories, and important projects to lose.
Protect your legacy and backup your data.

What is a Backup?

A backup is a copy of all your important files — for example, your family photos, home videos, documents and emails. Instead of storing it all in one place (like your computer or smartphone), you keep a copy of everything somewhere safe.

Why Should I Backup?

Losing your files is way more common than you’d think.One small accident or failure could destroy all the important stuff you care about.

* 21% of people have never made a backup                                              * 113 phones lost or stolen every minute

* 29% of data losses are caused by accident                                              * 30% of computer are already infected with malware

So, How Do I Protect My Data?

There are many different ways to back up your files:

Check out:  for additional suggestions on services you can use to backup your data. 

Want more information?  Check out this great artil