STOP. THINK. CONNECT.: Best Practices for All Digital Citizens
Learn about:
- Securing Your Home Network
- Creating a Cyber Secure Home
- Securing Your Kids
We are excited to kick off the first week of security awareness month.The theme of week 01 is STOP. THINK. CONNECT.: Best Practices for All Digital Citizens. This means what are the basic, common steps that people can take to protect themselves in their everyday lives. For this week we focus on how to secure yourself at home.
We have a number of resources here to help you. Remember, you are free and in fact encouraged to share these materials with others, including your family, friends and neighbors.
If you have any questions about our activities in October or suggestions on how to improve our cyber security efforts, please contact us at:
Our Presentations
We have two presentations to share with you:
Securing Your Kids: STH-NCSAM2016-Week01-Presentation-SecuringYourKids.pptx
Internet Safety (for younger cyber citizens): STH-NCSAM2016-Week01-Presentation-InternetSafety.pptx